Linupy 2.0.7 on yp3000 0) bakup your pims, and copy the file elsewhere (out of the yopy ;-) ) 1) format your mmc card in ext2 mkfs.ext2 /dev/mmca 2) untar the mmc add-on in the mmc card mount -t ext2 /dev/mmca /mnt/mmc cd /mnt tar zxvf /path/to/mmc-add-on_linupy2.0.7_yp3000.tar.gz 3) flash your yopy's kernel (on serial console, type 'flash kernel') file : kernel-2.4.2-yp3000.bin 4) flash yopr yopy's filesystem (on serial console, type 'flash fsm') file : linupy2.0.7_yp3000.cram 5) hard-reset your yopy (hard reset is needed in order to create the ramdrive) Notes : -do not remove the mmc card while the yopy is running, it'll cause a hang-up and will force you to soft-reset the yopy. Furthermore, doing that can damage your datas on the mmc card. Ext2 needs to sync before being unmounted. Instead, you should use the 'eject mmc' from the manager, if you want to remove the card (it is safe too to unplug and replug the mmc card while the yopy is suspended). -before being able to use the pim backup tool, you'll have to format the /dev/mtdblock3 device : umount /flash mkfs.msdos /dev/mtdblock3 mount /flash Enjoy! -- Alexandre Boeglin a dot boeglin at free dot fr