### 2003-12-22 : version 1.0 gc-a2ycbycr : converts anything to ycbycr (supports bmp, pnm, xpm, xcf, pcx, gif, jpg, tif, png, tga, lbm) Compile it with : gcc -Wall gc-a2ycbycr.c -o gc-a2ycbycr -lSDL -lSDL_image As you can see, this tool relies on SDL (http://www.libsdl.org/) and SDL_image (http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/). Usage : ./gc-a2ycbycr [-be|-le] [] if outputfile parameter not given, the output will be on stdout by default, it converts the image to a C/C++ array, but with -be or -le you can convert it to a raw big endian/little endian object. Test it : simply convert an image to a file named image.c, copy this file in testdol directory, and recompile testdol.c with your PPC toolchain, then send it to the gamecube.